One Earth

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Dear Mr. Carson

Dear Mr. Carson,

Recently, you said that because Obama was "raised white" (apparently referring to his middle class upbringing) and spent much of his formative years in Indonesia he can't identify with the (American) black experience.

Who made you the judge of what it means to be an African American?  Just because someone wasn't raised the same way you were doesn't invalidate their own experiences or mean they can't identify with whatever you consider to be "the experiences of black Americans."  By attacking President Obama, you attack black people who come from a two parent home, whose parents never had to work three jobs, whose families were fortunate enough never to need government assistance, who are middle and upper-class Americans, who had the opportunity to be a global citizen as well as an American citizen, who attended private schools and lived in homes in nice neighborhoods, who had every opportunity afforded to them, AND who are just as black as you are and proud of it.  

A person who claims to want to be president of the United States should know that the "black experience" goes beyond upbringing or struggle.   I'm disappointed that you didn't. 

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